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From the mountains to the coast, California’s iconic landscapes face threats from climate change, poor urban planning, pollution and invasive species. UC ANR translates research into action — creating management strategies for a safer, more climate-resilient California.

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For you, California

Guidance for healthy eating at all ages

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Our research has helped make California a global leader in agricultural production while increasing access to affordable, safe and healthy food. Our educational programs help participants make every food choice and dollar count.

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From the mountains to the coast, California’s iconic landscapes face threats from climate change, poor urban planning, pollution and invasive species. UC ANR translates research into action — creating management strategies for a safer, more climate-resilient California.

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Our youth and community development programs equip the next generation for college, successful careers, financial stability and community engagement. Growers and land managers learn cutting-edge skills that increase workforce ability and advance innovation.

For you, California

UC offers an online pumpkin-growing contest for Fresno County 4-H members

Former goat herder’s crop research promotes prosperity for Imperial Valley farmers

Healthy Californians

From safe drinking water to clean air, reduced exposure to pesticides to tools for healthier lifestyles, UC ANR promotes public health for people and the communities where they live, learn, work and play. We produce tools, programs and policy-relevant research that result in healthy living.
How we are making an impact for California

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Latino 4-H'ers want to attend college

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Youth reached with UC CalFresh

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California counties free of European grapevine moths

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Reduction in bed bug infestations in field studies

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Gardens supported by UC Master Gardener volunteers

UC ANR Focus Areas

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In 4-H we believe in the power of youth. We know that every young person is unique, has strengths and real potential to improve our world. 4-H grows here.

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Healthy agricultural systems are essential to our quality of life and economy. We spark innovation and encourage environmentally friendly production practices.

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Environment & Natural Resources

Stewardship of California's natural resources — water, forests, rangelands —is core to our mission, so our landscapes are preserved for generations to come.

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We promote healthy people and communities; safe, nutritious and abundant food; and education to make every food choice and every food dollar count.

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Yard & Garden

We educate Californians to create sustainable gardens and landscapes — from growing food to building fire-safe landscapes and making every drop of water count.

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Since 1914 UC Cooperative Extension has been “California’s first incubator;” the bridge between local issues and innovative answers through the power of UC research. Cooperating is in our DNA; won't you join us?

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What's happening across UC ANR


Guidance for healthy eating at all ages
Aug 03, 2023
Former goat herder’s crop research promotes…
Estudio revela que un 82 por ciento del aceite de…
Jul 28, 2023
Healthy vending grows in popularity on UC campuses
Jul 28, 2023
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Basics of the Cutting Garden
Merced, ca
Food Systems Resiliency Spotlight Series: Webinar…
Establishing Nut Crop Orchards
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